My drive to coach began in high school my senior year (1999-2000). Due to injury with an arm cast, I could not compete. Coaching was a natural transition that taught me the reward of volunteering effort for someone else. I felt this even more in appreciation from junior high students. At the end of the 2005-2006 season they thanked me for treating them with respect. "The other teachers and coaches call us names and treat us like we're stupid. You never did that." It meant a lot.
I also made sure the students did not risk health through dehydration. I advocated training and competing at their "most normal weight" every day. I also participate in 100% of all jogging, sprinting and strengthening exercises that I coach. I evolved my 10-week plan for the start of each season. Individual match video-reviews begin in week-10 with individualized education to avoid errors and train further.
All four of my years at Ohio University I promoted an intramural wrestling tournament, which I founded in 2000. It is amazing what you can accomplish with Kinkos and some duct tape. It grew from a mere handful freshman year to over 150 competitors my senior year. The tournament has since dissolved without my organizing it on campus.
- Sierra Club, Miami Group
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- HarvestINFO
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